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"InstantCert was absolutely a crucial piece of my success in passing the biology CLEP test. Best resource out there!"
– Annie Musgrove

"I ended up passing 5 CLEP tests and 5 DSST tests. The flashcards were my only study source for all but two tests"
– Tom Heany

"My homeschooled high school sophomore passed the US History 1 CLEP with a 70 (out of 80). She says the IC flash cards were a huge help"
– Amber Riggs
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First, review what you already know. Then, focus on studying the material you don’t understand. For any questions you get wrong, you’ll find detailed explanations to help you learn.
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Can you get a degree with just CLEP*?
Once you get hooked on CLEP, you might wish you could test out of ALL of your classes. Is that really possible?

How to customize your CLEP* study plan
If you have decided not to rely exclusively on the InstantCert flashcards, this article shows you how to custom-tailor a study plan for your specific situation.

Test-taking strategies for CLEP* and DSST Exams
Learning the subject matter for an exam is only part of the battle. Some basic test-taking skills can make the difference between a pass and a fail!