InstantCert Articles
Below we discuss some of the hottest topics for non-traditional college students, especially those of you that are using credit by examination. If you have a suggestion for an article topic, please send us an email!

Can you get a degree with just CLEP*?
Once you get hooked on CLEP, you might wish you could test out of ALL of your classes. Is that really possible?

How to customize your CLEP* study plan
If you have decided not to rely exclusively on the InstantCert flashcards, this article shows you how to custom-tailor a study plan for your specific situation.

Test-taking strategies for CLEP* and DSST Exams
Learning the subject matter for an exam is only part of the battle. Some basic test-taking skills can make the difference between a pass and a fail!

What is CLEP*?
Here we look at what the CLEP program is and how you can use it earn college credit while saving time and money.

How do I study for CLEP*?
In this article, we look at some ways to study for CLEP, both free and paid options.

How InstantCert’s study guides can help you pass your CLEP* and DSST exams
InstantCert has been in business for nearly twenty years and is one of the most trusted name in the business. Here’s why…

CLEP* Exam Pass Rates
What percentage of people fail? How tough are the different CLEP exams? Find out more…

Is the Spanish CLEP* test hard?
The Spanish CLEP exam can be a great way to earn up to nine credits for just one exam, but how hard is it for your average student?

About the Spanish Language CLEP* Exam
A brief overview of the Spanish CLEP exam including what is on it, how it is scored, and how to study for it.

When are the InstantCert Flashcards NOT enough?
In this article, we discuss a few scenarios where you may consider supplementing the InstantCert Flashcards.

How and Where do I Take CLEP* Exams?
In this article, we describe how to register for an exam, find a test center, and schedule your exam.

TESU CLEP* Acceptance – Which Exams to Take and How to Prep
How to use CLEP exams at Thomas Edison State University.

How to Take CLEP* Tests for FREE (or, What is Modern States?)
An overview of Modern States and their free CLEP Voucher program.

Frequently Asked Questions about CLEP*
This article covers many of the most commonly asked questions about CLEP exams.